Loveis Wise

Loveis Wise (they/he) is an artist, designer, and creative director based in Los Angeles, California. They’re work spans illustration and design, paintings, and children’s books and covers. Over the course of their career, they’ve worked with clients like Toms, Warby Parker, COACH, TIME, Google, Disney, Instagram, Dr. Marten and more. Their unique style features beautiful layering of colors, soft shapes, figures, and organic elements.

Hi Loveis! Tell us about yourself - how did you get to where you are today? When did you first become interested in art and design? 

Hiii! As a kid, I had a deep love of all things art and design, even when I couldn't name it as such. I grew up in Washington, DC and would often visit museums with my dad who was also an artist. That quickly inspired my fondness of figuration and patterning, and later as an art student studying illustration at The University of the Arts, I was discovering my own style using painting/drawing and digital tools like photoshop/illustrator. I then decided to put myself out there and put my portfolio online and attracted a following through Instagram, Behance, and a great directory called Women Who Draw! It was at that point when I started my freelance career in my junior year of college. 

Artist and Designer Loveis Wise (they/he)

How would you describe your design style? 

I describe my style as playfully shape-based, joyous, and romantic.

Are there particular themes you like to explore through your work? 

I enjoy exploring metaphysical/spiritual storytelling, community, eros, and queerness! 

Your work has spanned illustration, design and murals and you’ve worked with a wide range of clients including Toms, Warby Parker, COACH, Google, Disney and more. How do you approach creative collaboration? 

I approach each project first with a curiosity of how we can create something that speaks to newness and also how a project can take me outside of my comfort zone. Thankfully, with doing so many of my own dream projects, I love when I can bring something unique to my own interests and can get me to collaborate with a team in a way that feels fun and expansive for us both.

What is your creative process like?

My creative process involves spending time around things that ignite my creative fire like lighting incense/candles, going for a walk in nature to come up with ideas, and of course spending time sketching in my sketchbook or in Procreate. Each piece comes to life from there.

You’ve also illustrated several beautiful books. What do you like most about illustrating for this medium? Does your creative process shift when working on projects like this?

I appreciate that I get to work with another artist to imagine and create a world/characters based off of what the story will be. Books are often a long process and sometimes that can be healing, in the way of working on a project for a few years, and sometimes it can be intense, but it's always worth it in the end. My process definitely shifts when I'm working this long because there's more room for me to adjust and look at my work with fresh eyes. 

Are there design tools or resources you regularly use in your work?

I use Procreate and Photoshop but I also love using spray paint, collage, and gouache.

Where do you find inspiration?

I find it in everyday moments, usually in my dreams, looking at art, experiencing it in the world, and also collaborating with my friends.

What advice would you give to new designers just starting out? 

Put yourself out there, believe in the magic of your work, and trust where you are headed!

What are you working on now and what's up next for you? 

Right now I'm  looking to expand myself creatively in design and outside of it, and dreaming up projects that are multidisciplinary like film, painting, and performance art! 

Thank you for sharing with us Loveis! To view more, visit their website, follow them on Instagram and shop their Etsy store.

Loveis was nominated by Noun Project. All art courtesy of Loveis Wise.


Steffi Lynn Tsai


Andrea Armstrong