Rafael Serra

36 Days of Type by Rafael Serra

36 Days of Type by Rafael Serra

Rafael Serra (aka FAEL) is a type designer and lettering artist based in Porto, Portugal. As a freelancer, he’s worked with agencies including Aspera Hartmann, QA Publicidade, Gen Design Studio, Label Brand Studio and more. His work features bold, distinct typefaces and retro reinterpretations of famous logo designs. We caught up with Rafael to learn where he finds inspiration and his advice for designers who are just starting out.

Hi Rafael! Tell us about yourself, how did you get to where you are today?
I’ve always liked to play with images since I was a kid. I remember doing custom Christmas cards for that special occasion, and at that time I didn’t know I was doing graphic design.

Type designer and letting artist Rafael Serra

Type designer and letting artist Rafael Serra

How would you describe your aesthetic and where do you find inspiration?
My aesthetic changes every year - I get bored too easily! I find creative inspiration literally everywhere. I’m a very curious person, so that helps.

What’s one of your favorite projects you’ve worked on so far?
Maybe my final project in college, my home town city branding.

What are some of your favorite design resources?
Book covers for certain, and the world wide web in general. Today, we can travel time easily with just a click.

What advice would you give to designers who are just starting out?
Try everything you can, while you can - because one day you will find what you really like!

To view more of Rafael’s work, visit his website, check out his shots on Dribbble, or find him on Behance and Instagram.

All images courtesy of Rafael Serra.


John D. Saunders


Jocelyn Tsaih